Users are strictly prohibited from creating, uploading, or sharing objectionable content. This includes, but is not limited to, content that is offensive, discriminatory, harassing, or in violation of any applicable laws.
Any form of abusive behavior towards other users, including but not limited to bullying, harassment, or threats, will not be tolerated. Users engaging in such behavior may face immediate account suspension or termination.
We encourage users to report any objectionable content or abusive behavior witnessed on the platform. Reports can be submitted through the designated channels provided by the platform.
Upon receipt of a report, we reserve the right to investigate and take appropriate actions, which may include the removal of content, suspension, or termination of the user's account.
This platform maintains a zero-tolerance policy towards objectionable content and abusive behavior. Users are expected to adhere to these guidelines, and failure to do so may result in immediate account termination.
The platform will employ reasonable efforts to monitor and enforce these guidelines. However, users are also responsible for their own conduct and ensuring compliance with these terms.